Strategic Priority: Advanced Studies Courses

Create a set of advanced studies courses that is engaging, relevant, rigorous, and in alignment with our mission.
As part of our commitment to educational excellence and innovation, we are establishing a suite of new advanced level classes that are closely aligned with our school’s mission. These courses will recommit us to a curriculum for all students that is intellectually challenging, experiential, and tailored to foster curiosity and critical thinking.

In place of Advanced Placement (AP) standardized tests, these courses will culminate in experiences that challenge students to grapple with the complexity and serendipity of authentic problem-solving. As students progress through our grade 5-12 curriculum, they will acquire skills and competencies applicable across disciplines and for life beyond Masters.

Working Group Co-Chairs: Marianne Van Brummelen, Chair, Math Department, and Darren Wood, Upper School English Teacher

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