The Masters School has a Learning Enhancement and Development (LEAD) Department to work with those students who have documented learning differences and who require the services of a trained professional. Students who meet the criteria are eligible for a weekly appointment with a school learning specialist if they so choose and if the School determines that such appointments are needed. In the middle school, the learning specialist also provides direct support in some academic classes, working with individuals or small groups during instruction and learning activities.
Our middle school learning specialist is part of the LEAD team, which includes two upper school learning specialists, one of whom is the director of the team. This group plays an important role in unlocking a student's unique talents and gifts. In collaboration with the faculty, they help to guide students as they take responsibility for their learning. The middle school learning specialist is the person to contact for any requests for accommodations.When specific accommodations are requested for a student, documentation must clearly demonstrate the need for teaching modifications or procedures that might allow a student with physical or learning impediments to meet academic expectations or complete assignments. In some cases, certain recommended accommodations cannot be provided by the School.