Upper School Learning Support

List of 3 items.

  • Extra Help Appointments

    Occasionally, students may have difficulty mastering the material presented in a course despite their best efforts. When faced with these situations, students should make use of the resources already in place to help them through the challenging material. Extra help appointments with the subject teacher should be the first recourse. Extra help can also come in the form of time spent with another student who has mastered the material or in the form of help given by parents or family members in consultation with the teacher. As with homework, extra help should only be given with the intention of helping students better understand and master the concepts presenting difficulty so as to empower them with the skills to do the work independently.

    Teachers are available for occasional extra help sessions during free periods and after school. Additionally, teachers are often available for extra help when they are proctoring a study hall or, in the case of residential faculty, when they are on duty in the dormitories. At the request of the teacher and student, an extra help session can be added to the student’s schedule as a weekly appointment. As teachers need to be available to provide extra help to all of their students, the help provided to any one student must be within reasonable limits.
  • Math Clinic

    The Math Clinic is open four afternoons each week from 3:45 to 4:45 p.m. If a student needs additional help on a particular problem or concept beyond the normal classroom teacher conference time of 8:00 to 8:30 a.m., then a student is welcome to meet with a member of the mathematics faculty on duty in the Math Clinic.
  • Learning Enhancement and Development

    The Masters School has a Learning Enhancement and Development (LEAD) Office to work with those students who have documented learning differences and who require the services of a trained professional. Our team of learning specialists is committed to providing academic support and works to enhance students' study skills, executive functioning skills, the development of a growth mindset, and self-advocacy. They also facilitate the accommodation process for students who have submitted documentation.

    Students who meet the criteria are eligible for a weekly appointment with a school learning specialist if they so choose and if the School determines that such appointments are needed. Students without documented learning differences may also meet with the learning specialist at the request of the student, parent or advisor, as schedules permit.

Meet the Team

List of 2 members.

  • Photo of Andrew Lopez

    Andrew Lopez 

    Upper School Learning Specialist
  • Photo of Julia Jones

    Julia Jones 

    Director of Learning Enhancement and Development