For middle school teachers Tang Di and Vicente Saavedra, there was no question about their favorite moment from their WinterMission course, Chinese Calligraphy and Ink Art: “When students held up their final projects for a group shot. They looked so happy and proud of their creations.”
Through harmonious melodies, a talented cast of 20 student performers is excited to share stories of self-reflection, friendship and well-being in the upper school musical revue, "The Songs We Don't Sing."
Call it WinterMission kismet. Faculty members Adrian Sas, upper school media arts teacher, and Aaron Dean, upper school French teacher, bonded over their shared love of New York City, and their mutual admiration for the iconic Brooklyn Bridge.
From the inspiring opening assembly to the joyful performances at the final gathering, it was a day devoted to the life and work of Martin Luther King, Jr., under the theme of "A Coalition for Change: Rising Together.”
In observance of Holocaust Remembrance Day, the upper school community gathered at Morning Meeting on January 28 to honor the memory of those who suffered and perished during the Holocaust.
Gifty Baah ’25 and Jenny Chinglui Xu ’25, co-chairs of the upper school jewelry-making and crocheting club Crafty Space, wanted to use their club’s work for good.